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Joseph Bonner - Joseph Magazine Cover

House burned down in past attack on Jehovah's Witnesses by Russian Federation

The United States and Great Britain are being urged by international leaders to intervene in Russia through the United Nations, as attacks against children, the elderly, and mothers who are part of the religious minority group of Jehovah's Witnesses intensifies.

Instigated by the Russian Orthodox Church backed by President Vladimir Putin, the founding members of the UN, are now being urged to quickly intervene.

KGB-like raids were carried out against Jehovah's Witnesses across Russia, on Tuesday Reuters confirms.

According to the report, "masked law enforcement officers carried out mass raids...and made a number of arrests as part of a new criminal case."

According to Reuters, the "law enforcement agency stated that they suspected the Christian denomination was organizing the activity in Moscow of its national center and affiliates."

The report continues, "Yaroslav Sivulskiy, a spokesman for the European Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses, denied the center had resumed its activity and said the group was being targeted in a campaign of persecution."

In 2017, the Russian Supreme Court labeled the activity of teaching the bible and reading it as extremist, and have engaged in persecuting, torture and arrest of even small children and the elderly, instigated by the Russian Orthodox Church, of which President Vladimir Putin is an active member.

"It's time that the founders of the United Nations, namely, the United States and Great Britain act swiftly to censor Russia and once and for all act to remove the terrorist threat of religious organizations who hide behind religion and use it as a tool of terrorism and torture on non-violent and peace-loving minority groups like Jehovah's Witnesses," states Court Magazine Chief Investigative Reporter Joseph Bonner.

He adds, "the Russian Orthodox Church leaders are certainly not the only ones using threats and terrorism to target the religious minority. That is why it's vital that the founder of the United Nations, the United States, and Great Britain quickly condemn Russia by employing international laws and orders established at multiple UN General Assembly meetings, and carry out their God-given responsibility to end suffering and bring peace for millions all over the world who are targets of religious extremist activity by the religious majority groups, like the Russian Orthodox Church."

Bonner details a forceful legal action plan to counter religious-inspired violence while simultaneously improving the economic stability of world leaders. Full Report Here:

The 75th United Nations General Assembly meeting has gained international but some are not so convinced that the United Nations is really doing all they can to push their 1945 agenda of peace and security.

On September 15th, Court Magazine published an article outlining the not so taboo relationship the United Nations has developed with mainstream religious organizations and how that has clouded their judgement call.

The article, steaming from a documentary published by Joseph Studios back in July, outlines the role mainstream religions have played in the instigation of terrorist acts including war, genocide and the unchecked sexual abuse of youths.

In a detailed article, even the Vatican was investigated, which skeletons being revealed in their closet they instead of halting Hitler regime from it's infancy, actually pandered to Hitler which contributed to his rise and mass genocide of Jews among other religious minorities in Germany during the WWII era.

In short, the article called on the United States of America and Great Britain to engage the United Nations, holding them accountable for eliminating the war, terrorist acts and sexual abuse instigated by the powerful religious majority internationally. It also called on the United Nations to enact present UN articles to legally remove religious organizations involved in terrorist acts while allowing members internationally to still worship in freedom.

While those means are drastic, they are certainly not without president or legal backing. Even the United States constitution limits fundamental freedoms when such freedoms pose a threat to the State.

While the US and Great Britain seem to have their hands full right now with elections and keeping the Queen safe, it's clear that it will take the two most powerful empires in the world to stand behind a call to action against religious majority organizations who have shown for the past 60 years that they are unwilling to work toward peace, instead choosing to continue in acts of terrorism and genocide of religious minorities.

The United Nations has failed in their function thus far to achieve their 1945 goals of peace and security in part due to the fact that they have been lying in bed with the religious majority and have turned a blind eye to the murder, rape and sexual assault of the worlds men, women and children.

Expert Life Coach Joseph Bonner - 4 Ways to Protect Women from Suicide

Managing a house, raising children and working full time to support a family financially, Women have absolutely shown themselves to be both resilient in the face of rising obstacles and prevailing in their pursuit of success. In addition, many women have silently braved relentless sexual harassment, abuse, and violence while striving to maintain emotional and mental balance for themselves and their families. Women positively are the unsung heroines of the 21st century, however, these champions are not immune from the suicide crisis that reportedly took the lives of over 1,000,000 women in 2015 according to Statista. (1) A major contributing factor to suicide rates among women was identified in an NCIB study case (2) that evaluated 222 working women in China. 10.81 of participants reported suicidal ideation. Among those women, happiness, warmth/friendliness, interest, relaxation/calmness were significantly low. This case study reveals 4 fundamental that women require to truly be happy in life. Happiness

Expert Life Coach Joseph Bonner - 4 Ways to Protect Women from Suicide

There are many things that contribute to genuine happiness and volunteering is one of them. In a article (3) witen by Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. and Lawrence Robinson published by Harvard Health, it was noted that volunteers benefit from what they called the “happiness effect.” By regularly volunteering individuals combat depression and are more happier, self-confident and healthy. So for you fantastic women out there who are looking for more happiness in your life, get out there and volunteer! Your physical and mental health will thank you for it for years to come. Warmth

Expert Life Coach Joseph Bonner - 4 Ways to Protect Women from Suicide

Warmth and closeness are readily related to intimate friendships and relationships. In addition to countering suicide, people who have close social relationships are protected from premature death. Actually, a 2010 (4) journal by the Brigham Young University in Utah combined 148 studies that revealed that social bonds undeniably influence lifespan twice as much as exercise. In addition, having strong social ties is comparable to giving up tobacco. I strongly recommend having 1-3 close friends that you can weekly rely on for emotionally, mental and social support. Interest

Expert Life Coach Joseph Bonner - 4 Ways to Protect Women from Suicide

Do work that you love! Life is too short not to be doing work that you love. While you may be working at a job that you are less than enthusiastic about, is it possible to also find time to do work that you are genuinely interested in? Not only will it improve your mental health but it can also improve your physical health. Being interested in the work you will not only contribute to your overall happiness, which is directly linked to your mental and emotional health, but can also help you live longer. According to a study (5) by the National Academy of Science, what they term "Positive Affect," or a positive attitude, participants in the lowest third of PA had a death rate of 7.3%, compared with 4.6% in the medium-PA group and 3.6% in the high-PA group. Doing what you love will increase PA and by extension improve your mental and physical health. Relaxation

Expert Life Coach Joseph Bonner - 4 Ways to Protect Women from Suicide

Read a good book, take a mini staycation or listen to some of your favorite relaxing music. Take some time to relax every week because you surely deserve it. This will afford you the weekly opportunity to emotionally and mentally recharge. Interesting to note too that researchers from Sweden attest to a significant association between stress and breast cancer. (6) So, relaxing can improve your mental health reportedly reduce the risk of breast cancer. So in conclusion, WOMEN are brilliant, talented and gifted in so many ways! It is important that every woman feel loved, supported and valued each day so as to counter suicidal emotions. While there may be many things women can do to aid their mental health, it is a responsibility of all of us to ensure that the girls and women in our life feel loved and supported daily. It is all of our responsibilities to defend and serve these self-sacrificing treasures to mankind. Yes, even in the face of suicide, women will like always, prevail! References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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